2 Week Challenge

1. Purpose

A 2 week challenge is contract you sign with yourself, vowing to follow specific behaviours or actions while playing solo queue.

It started in the MLA a few years ago as a way to ‘kick start’ one’s journey and follow a process, but over time has been used as a refresh mechanism to get people back on track after getting beat down from the difficulties of solo queue.

It also helps the person using it to feel the power of focusing on the learning instead of LP as well as the power of getting consistent games in.

2. How do I participate?

Jump into the 🚩︱2-week-challenge channel in Discord and write a list of the behaviours and actions you will follow while playing Solo Queue for the next 2 weeks.

3. Examples

Starting 18th Of October 2023, I will…

  1. Play 1x three-block a day, Monday to Friday. No matter how tilted or frustrated, I will finish the 3 block.
  2. Review my first two deaths of every game, ensuring to look at it from both my perspective and the enemies.
  3. Only play my champ pool of two champs, Asol and Annie.
  4. Play secondary role ADC with Ashe, and dodge any autofill game
  5. Use /mute all every game and unmute pings.
  6. Don’t listen to music while playing and never alt-tab
  7. Never spam ping/type anything at anyone
  8. Never be on discord while playing to ensure I stay focused
  9. I will not check my opgg once, and will not check the profiles of my teammates or opposition
  10. I will watch 1x VOD of a matchup I struggle with a day

Below are some REAL examples of our members 2 week challenges.

  • Example 1
  • Example 2
  • Example 3
  • Example 4
  • Example 5

NOTE: It should be something that is tricky but not too tricky. You need to honestly believe you can execute on this for this set time frame or you will just give up.

NOTE: You can combine ‘league’ specific process oriented behaviours with IRL behaviours such as working out, sleep etc. Remember there is no wrong answer, you can make this challenge really whatever you’d like it to be.

The key is to push yourself for these 2 weeks! If you set something too easy, you’re only short changing yourself, no one else.

4. What to do at the end of 2 Weeks

At the end of the 2 weeks, reflect, and ask yourself the following questions:

  1. Which parts of this 2 week challenge do I think are sustainable and can keep in my everyday process?
  2. Which parts did I find the most challenging and why?
  3. Do I have any regrets during this 2 week challenge? If so, what are they?

Please feel free to share your own 2 week challenges and reflections inside the 🚩︱2-week-challenge channel on Discord!

This can be motivating for other members and WTL Coaches love to see it.

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