Getting Results

The WTL programs can be overwhelming when you first join. There is a giant discord community and website filled to the brim with countless videos & articles.

Let’s cover how to actually learn effectively using these resources by showing you what to avoid.

Pitfall #1 : Digesting too much content

It’s tempting to watch video after video without executing, but this is a recipe for disaster.

Newly learnt knowledge must be balanced with execution!

For every video or two watched, it’s best practice to weave in a series of games or a three-block to ensure we are attempting to use what information that has been watched.

Ideally the ratio of time spent playing vs. watching content is at least 3:1. Meaning we should be spending at minimum three times more time playing the game than we are digesting content on the site.

Follow this rule will help effectively utilize the champion guides and fundamental lessons to get solid results.

Pitfall #2 : Watching ≠ understanding

Just because you watched something once, does NOT mean you fully understood it.

I’ve seen many clients watch the champion guide once over, thinking that they remember everything that was in the guide. This is impossible, some sections alone go for 30+ minutes. You’d have to have a crazy powerful memory for this to be the case.

We strongly recommend you watch the important sections of the guides multiple times over. These would be the lane phase sections and mid game sections.

NOTE: Each time you watch the guide you’ll have different takeaways from it. This is due to experience with the champion, mindset shifts and you growing as a player over time.

The same thing applies for Live Commentaries and even Reviews.

Pitfall #3 : Failing to reach out for help

There is no such thing as a question that is too basic.

We encourage you all to ask the basic questions early on in your journey because often there is extremely important learning here to be had.

Don’t hesitate to engage in the vod-questions channel or champion thread section. We are here to help!

If it’s something you didn’t understand in the guide, or something that has been bugging you in one of your games; we are always here no matter the size of the question, nor is anyone going to judge. Everyone is here for a reason, and that is to learn.

Pitfall #4 : Comparing yourself with others

We are all on our own League journey. We all have differing gaming backgrounds, differing League experiences and varying amounts of time we are able to put into the game.

There is no rush! The journey is a marathon, if it takes you three months just to complete the champion guide and get 60 games, so be it!

Alternatively, if you smash the guide out and play 60 games in 3 weeks, great!

Danger: The 🏅︱ranked-achievements channel is a double edged sword. It can be intimidating seeing everyone get results and you aren’t, but also motivating.

This program is designed to be flexible, giving you the room to learn at your own pace. Content is always being updated, so don’t stress about things being outdated.

If you see others climbing faster than you, or moving onto other champions faster than you, do not compare. You are on your own journey. Accept that and embrace it.

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