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Your First Month – Unranked to Platinum

This article is for new members to get familiar with how the program works, so you can get the most out of your membership.

These are general guidelines. You can complete these tasks at any pace or order you wish.

Week 1 – Getting Organized

The first week is all about familiarizing yourself with the program (Discord and Online Platform) and choosing your champion.

Part 1 – Introduction

  1. Join Discord via the Dashboard. Your login details can be found in the welcome email.
  2. Go to the ☝︱role-assignment channel and self assign roles. It’s ok if you don’t know which approved champ you want to play yet, Rank, Region and Notification will suffice.
  3. Briefly read the Community Rules & Guidelines to learn about the standards in the server
  4. Go to the 👋︱introduce-yourself channel and tell us about yourself (use the format below)
    – **Who am I?** What is your name, where are you from? What do you do and what are your interests/hobbies?
    – **My league background.** Why did you start playing? How long have you been playing for?
    – **Why did I join the Academy?** What are you looking to get out of the program? What is your ranked goal?
  5. Start browsing around, using the Discord Channel Manual to learn the purpose of each channel.

Every week there is a “Member Check In” event, where members have the opportunity to come and chat to Coach and meet the community.

New members are encouraged to attend these (at this time only available in Mid Lane Academy).

Part 2 – Online Platform (Choosing your Champion)

  1. Login to your account via the Member Portal. Your login details can be found in the welcome email.
  2. Start with the Choosing Your Champion course in the Fundamentals tab (total 25 minutes) to understand the program structure and our philosophy on improvement (even if you already know what champ you are playing!)
  3. Read the article: TB vs. IB vs. AB to get an understanding of your journey.
  4. Make sure you read the article: Defining ‘Process’ and ‘Three-Block’.
  5. Once you’ve decided on a champion, follow the thread in the Discord champion-forum and join the discussion

NOTE: If you are still searching for a champion – the Champion Identity sections at the beginning of each Champion Full Guide is a great way to get an overview of a champion.

You can also use the 🤔︱choosing-champion channel to ask questions about your selection.

Week 2 – Begin Champion Mastery

This is the first week of your champion mastery journey. The below steps will help you get on track.

DANGER: In this phase, members can fall into the trap of watching guides and resources for EVERY approved champion.

Once you’ve made your choice, stay focused on only consuming content related to your champion… for now.

  1. Finish watching the full Champion guide for your chosen champion
  2. Watch x1 Member Review of your champion (ideally at a similar rank to you)
  3. Watch x1 Live Commentary of your champion
  4. Read the article Getting Results to learn the pitfalls to avoid.

Week 3 – Getting Involved

This is where we want you to get outside your comfort zone. It’s important you start familiarizing yourself with recording and clipping gameplay.

  1. Read the article: Recording your gameplay.
  2. Post a clip with a question in ⏯︱vod-questions. Learn how this channel works here.
  3. Attend at least one review session just to observe the reviews in action.
  4. Make an effort to ask questions in the champion-forum of your chosen pick.
  5. Sign up for a review if you have played at least 30 games of your champion.

Week 4 – Tying it all together

  1. If you have identified key areas where you are struggling, visit the relevant fundamentals course. Ask questions in the Discord if you need anything clarified.
  2. If you are 60+ games with your champion consider champion pool cycling. If you decide against champion pool cycling, we encourage you engage in the 2 Week Challenge.

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